Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Shit Happens

Fuck financial aid.

On another note, it's winter break! Just trying to make the most of it. Gonna spend time with all the friends and family and of course, Amy! (: I'm soo broke now though too! Got the snow trip next week and the Christmas party today! So excited!


Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Already December huh? Oh how time flies. idk what's new nowadays?

I had a great time back home for Thanksgiving How I missed real Asian food XD But it was also great getting to spend time with family and friends. There's 2 weeks left of this quarter. Finals are already next week! Gah. Well, not gonna stress about it, except chem bleh. Just gonna take whatever they decide to give me and beast the shit out of it haha.

On another note, I've been having a strange cough like on and off the past month and a half or so. I'm bouta get it checked out tomorrow at the health center, but I dont think it'll help so much, so I'll just have to endure until I'm able to get back home for winter break. I was looking up symptoms and such and hopefully it isn't Cough-Variant Asthma or something worse. But I think I'll manage for now.

Financial aid is still being retarded. Not much more to say there.

Humm...Gotta do my Christmas shopping still with Amy. How many big gifts will it be this year? Ah and there's also family gifts too. I'll be sure to get on that soon...hopefully. Can't wait til Christmas break!!!

I want froyo.