Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Half way through a busy, but fun, week! :o

Monday- Hangout with Amy, Allen, Vanessa and Janae
Tuesday- Sky High party! and Cabello afterwards

My shoulders are sore for some reason from Sky High and football yesterday.
I can seriously go for some froyo right now. or cheesecake. idk. :D

Still to go
Thurs- Mission Peak and Boomers
Fri- Last group party at Justins
Sat - taht one thing.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Never part without loving words to think of during your absence. It may be that you will not meet again in this life.
-Jean Paul Richter

Just makes you think.

Saturday, August 8, 2009


Sometimes I sit here and wonder...
Why all this foolishness we call "drama"
I can honestly say that many "dramas" I notice with people aren't problems at all, but figments of their imagination (Jabbawockeez?) But really. it takes at least 2 to start some sort of drama.
So I ask...Why?
Why start problems?
Why hate?
Why the futile arguments?

I like this urban dictionary def.

making a big deal over something unneccessarily

idk. As I'm typing this, i feel it's a bunch of nonsense, and perhaps it is. But whatever. Just feel like blogging.

Monday, August 3, 2009


Been such a lazy summer. I should pick up a book and start reading. I have yet to read Harry Potter numero 7. Even though i skipped 5 completely and just watched 6. Oh well (:

Still got quite a while before I actually start college, so still trying to make the most of my summer, even though I think I'm just gonna be stuck at home today and maybe the trip to the gym tonight. Ugh.

We shall see.