Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Weee. Another not so much sense making blog (and sentence).

Why is it that we have all our little so-called "addictions," the little things that we can't seem to live without - or perhaps we feel that we need? We're so wired to our material objects and our possessions whether it being our family and friends (not like owning them but more like having them there for you) or our ideas even. It always feels so hard to let go of them, perhaps why they're our addictions. It's extremely tough to break an addiction, just ask somebody who tried to quit smoking. To even get to the level where you can view it as more as something there rather than something that needs to be there is much harder.

We live in such a twisted society. Forreals though. I notice how many people still walk around trying to act all hard. What is it about the human psyche or at least American society that emphasizes that guys need to be all tough? Sure, there's things like testosterone and biological shit. But beyond that, is there a reason to pick a fight with somebody who accidentally bumped into you? We see it everywhere though; in the movies and even in real life "tough" guys pick fights for no damn reason. Ego-hungry much? That just leads back to the previous paragraph. We place so much value on things that do not exist or need not exist. People create inflated egos (perhaps to compensate for something else that they do not have). What good does it do other than create problems? Yeah, you'll get the attention you'll want with an ego like that, but is that what you really want? It's just like how we place so much value on the little pieces of paper we call money. The society that we live in is based purely on them bills, so what choice do we have but to accept that which society has given us.

That just goes back to my last post where I wonder if freedom is really free? With so many ideals in our culture, sometimes just gotta ask, is anything really free?

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