Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Never Say U Can't

"So when last rain begins to fall
And you’re out there on your own
And you can’t see a thing
No no no

Just find a voice that understands"

Great song from Bruno Mars. Lyrics definitely speak out. We must not say we cannot do something because it's too hard, because we can't do it, because we don't have the ability to. How can we get through life that way? Do we just give up and tell ourselves some lame excuse to compensate for own failure to believe in ourselves? We have to believe that we can get through it and in ourselves as well and never say we can't do it. We all have people who we can depend on, talk to, who will be there when you need them most. They help us not only through the hard times in life but just life in general, and I thank everybody who has done that for me. Thank you.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.

-Albert Einstein

Monday, July 26, 2010

Stop. Now think about it.


That's what life really is all about isn't it? Everyday in life, you face hundreds, even thousands of choices, ranging anywhere from; Superficial: "What should I wear today?" or "What should I have for lunch?" to something meaningful: "How am I going to make an impact today?"

Everything you do in life is a choice. Sometimes it may not be yours, while at other times, you have all the power to make your own decisions. You can also choose how you want to feel. When life gives you lemons, do you just take it and do nothing about it? Fuck no, you go and make lemonade or throw the fucking lemons back at life. Never once in your life do you have to feel down. But why is it so hard to make a decision that will obviously keep you happy? Why is it when life brings you down, you stay down when there are so many opportunities to get back up? I wish I knew why too... I'm generally a very optimistic person, but I'm not perfect. I make mistakes, and I too get trapped in this "mind trap" so-to-speak.

I believe that every person that we meet have some sort of impact on our lives. Remember it is our choice to even begin the friendly relationship in the first place. In some way or another, the two lives can become intertwined with a simple "Hi, I'm ____. Nice to meet you." You can choose whether or not you want to continue with that relationship or leave it at that. Of course, people take it to a much deeper and more intimate level, which we call love. Whether it be a good or bad relationship, there will always be something to take out of it. It is up to you to figure out what it is in that relationship that's important and that you can take in for the future.

So up to this point, I have made many decisions in my life thus far. There will be many, many more in the days, weeks, and years to come. I don't know if this "road" I'm choosing to take is the right one for me, but I will try to look back with no regrets, but rather with content that I have made it this far. Although some choices with people and things that I have made have not been the best, I still am grateful for the opportunity to even make the choice to begin with.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

I wanna go up here again and just admire the setting.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Sometimes just wish I had a day away from reality. <3

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Weee. Another not so much sense making blog (and sentence).

Why is it that we have all our little so-called "addictions," the little things that we can't seem to live without - or perhaps we feel that we need? We're so wired to our material objects and our possessions whether it being our family and friends (not like owning them but more like having them there for you) or our ideas even. It always feels so hard to let go of them, perhaps why they're our addictions. It's extremely tough to break an addiction, just ask somebody who tried to quit smoking. To even get to the level where you can view it as more as something there rather than something that needs to be there is much harder.

We live in such a twisted society. Forreals though. I notice how many people still walk around trying to act all hard. What is it about the human psyche or at least American society that emphasizes that guys need to be all tough? Sure, there's things like testosterone and biological shit. But beyond that, is there a reason to pick a fight with somebody who accidentally bumped into you? We see it everywhere though; in the movies and even in real life "tough" guys pick fights for no damn reason. Ego-hungry much? That just leads back to the previous paragraph. We place so much value on things that do not exist or need not exist. People create inflated egos (perhaps to compensate for something else that they do not have). What good does it do other than create problems? Yeah, you'll get the attention you'll want with an ego like that, but is that what you really want? It's just like how we place so much value on the little pieces of paper we call money. The society that we live in is based purely on them bills, so what choice do we have but to accept that which society has given us.

That just goes back to my last post where I wonder if freedom is really free? With so many ideals in our culture, sometimes just gotta ask, is anything really free?

Friday, July 9, 2010

“Man often becomes what he believes himself to be. If I keep on saying to myself that I cannot do a certain thing, it is possible that I may end by really becoming incapable of doing it. On the contrary, if I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning.”
- Mahatma Ghandi

He speaks the truth.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Jumps around a lot but I just have a crapload of stuff running thru my mind. So if it doesn't make sense, it doesn't make sense. Oh well. It made sense in my mind when I was thinking about it.

The mind is a very, very powerful tool of ours. Of course, it helps us become who we are as people today. How can a person live in this world if they do not use their mind?

We say in America that it's the land of the free, yet we condemn and group people for their opinions and who they are. We have all these stereotypes in our minds ready to go. Why do you think that Blacks are pretty much the scapegoats of one crime or another. Or when somebody does a suicide bombing, we as Americans, automatically think it was a terrorist, an extremist most likely working for Osama, when the bomber was actually some average joe whom nobody would expect would do such a thing. We're so twisted in America by all these stereotypes, so how can we say that America is truly free? Sure we can do a lot of things other people from other countries can't, but I'd like to see someone, probably an Afghan person (to reinforce the stereotype), walk into an airport with regular clothes on and not get suspicious looks from the security (esp. right after 9/11).

I watched a powerful movie today in Sociology class. It was about the Yakima Indians in Washington. For hundreds of years they have lived there in peace, living off the salmon, abundant in the Columbia River. When the "white men" came, they forced the Indians out of their land and into a reservation where they were forced to farm and could not fish. Since when did the "white men" feel that they had the power over these Indians who have been living there for many years. In the peace treaty, they allowed the Indians to remain fishing, but over the years, fishing for the Indians became a crime and people got arrested for it. They were also accused of "stealing" 40,000 salmon, when in fact, it was the factories dumping chemicals into the water forcing the salmon to move elsewhere. People were so quick to judge and ready to remove the Indian people from Washington overall. But who were they to do such a thing? Where did they get that idea from? How can the commercial fisherman working for his paycheck say that he deserves more than the Indian fisherman working for his family and survival?

We all want to see ourselves as "good people." But what is good? Who defines what is good? Is it something that a majority of people like and agree on and say, "That's good" and the things they don't like are "bad?" But again, everything here is in our minds. How can we say we want to be "good people" when we harbor all these feelings that we deem "negative." We all have the capability to hate, be violent, etc. Everything is part of our minds, so can we truly ever be these "good people" we long to be? I've noticed that people do not acknowledge that. They assume things like "The Pope is a holy man, therefore, he cannot hate." We're all human so we're both good and bad people as long as we have the capacity to both love and hate...

You see, the mind can also create many things. Situations can be created all inside our heads and yet in reality, it may not be there. How do you think we have tales of the boogieman and all his fairytale friends? Reality-wise, he only exists in our minds. But this doesn't apply to imaginary characters, it also applies to a lot of our ideals about people and society as well.

One thing about our society too is that we have so many expectations. There's expectations and standards as to how one should act, how love should be, how to behave oneself, etc. How can society expect the same thing from every person when it is clear that everybody is different? We should all have our own set of expectations tailored to what we can handle, but it's barely the case for anyone. Swamped with all these wants and needs from others, people just can't handle it.

Sometimes people ask me how I can stay so calm in so many situations. idk I guess I've learned to not have so many expectations of people and instead let things happen. I try to see if there is a way where things can be worked out and I can stay calm Of course, this does not mean that I'm a passive person whatsover. Should things arise that need taking care of, then I might not just be so calm haha. And when people expect things of me, I try my best to fulfill their expectations while at the same time fulfilling my own expectations of myself. I'm not a perfect person, and I can't do everything, but I still try my hardest.

Thursday, June 10, 2010


One more day. Soo looking forward for summer but then again, I will really miss dorm life and the people I've met this year. Sure, I'll see some of them again, but honestly dorm-life experience was pretty damn awesome.
Summer goals:
Get a job
get a class at chabot
get a job
ride with fremont fixed
get a job
get back/stay in shape
get a job

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars? I could really use a wish right now.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Ordinary People - John Legend

Always a good song to listen to (:

Umm quick update since the last blog.

Thank you again x 10000000000000 to everyone for the birthday wishes, surprise, videos and gifts, especially my lovely baby, Amy May Tran <333333333333

School's almost over. It's a good feeling, but the next few weeks will be grind time. Midterms, papers, I'm really excited to move into the apartments next year, but knowing that, I should probably start finding a job somewhere near here in the summer when I go to chabot. XD

Other than that, it's not much else to do than just keep working til this years over.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Monday, March 8, 2010


finally got the financial aid (:

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

It's been a while

First off, Happy belated birthday to Amy May Tran and Chiu Ho Chan! And a Happy Birthday to Emily Huynh as well!

Glad you love the bike babe!

Hopefully I will know by this friday if I get financial aid, if not, then by Monday. Or so the lady said. I'm really praying that this time I'll finally get that desperately needed money. Forreals, I don't know how I can even come back next quarter if I don't. :(

On another note, Chem midterm this friday, Math midterm Monday, and Stat midterm next Weds. These next few days are gonna be packed. I can't wait til chem midterm is over though. FUCK CHEM.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Chem. Prepare to die.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Years

2009 was a year to be remembered.
Senior Year
Senior Ball on a boat
Grad Nite
Going off to college
Meeting people whom I know I will be friends with for a long time, while at the same time, strengthening my bonds with those who are already close to me
Horrible financial aid crap
College finals
Bikes everywhere

The good.
The bad.
It was all well worth it.

I hope that this year will be even better. (: